Saturday, March 5, 2011

Snow Chickens


Winter is still here, even in late February! A deep snow washed over Corvallis closing the schools. I took this opportunity to take a couple pictures of my chickens. They were very reluctant to come out at first. As the day wore on and the snow melted, they clambered out to experience the bitter, cold ice.
Snow can be dangerous to a chicken as they can easily receive frostbite on the tender parts of their body (this would include the comb, wattle, and feet)! We put a heating lamp inside the henhouse to prevent possible frostbite in the night. The outside water dishes can also freeze. To prevent this from happening we put a lukewarm heating pad under it, so the girls can receive a fresh water supply.
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Snickers and Checkers and Sweetie! March third was the girls' birthday. I gave them a special blueberry, millet treat to celebrate their being two years old!