Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Goodbye Olive

Earlier this week, it became clear that Olive was a rooster. All of the sudden we started hearing an ear-piercing "cock-a-doodle-doo". It also became quite clear when she started growing a huge waddle, comb, and bright tail feathers. Luckily, we gave him away to a good farm and the girls don't seem to mind his absence too much.
Today, I let the girls free-range in the yard and they had a blast! I think that Penny, Kettle, and Snickers are becoming a flock!

This weekend, in place of Olive, I'm going to purchase a chicken from the Chicken Swap located at the Benton County fair grounds. I'm either going to purchase a silkie or polish. The pictures are listed below(polish on top, silkie on bottom):
PS-Vote in the poll and comment on which chicken breed you think I should purchase! Also, I am open to suggestions for other types of cool chicken breeds!