Monday, June 21, 2010

Introducing Broody Hen

Broody hens are simply annoying! We don't have a rooster so no amount of sitting on the eggs will make them hatch. Sweetie seems to fluff her feathers up and make strange noises when she starts to turn broody. When she is broody we have to take her out of the nest boxes just to make sure she is getting enough food and water.

Prolonged broodiness can lead to poor hygiene and diminished immunity-when we see this in a hen we lock her out for several days until she starts to look a little better (letting her in at night of course).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly:

    I hope you're having an amazing time at summer camp. I really enjoy reading your blog. You have so many interests, and you are so articulate. Good job with the pics too.

    Thanks for a good post!
    Aunt Patti
