Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Hen Snack Bar

Almost everyday the chickens gorge on a bucketful of millet, cracked corn, cracked wheat, black-oiled sunflower seeds, and thistle seeds! Since its really hot out we put it in the shadiest part of the coop. I also enjoy giving them treats which would include blue berries, grapes, nectarines, corn, and believe it or not-grass!

Today the girls got Kelly's Happy Hen Gourmet Mash-a mixture of blueberries, cracked almonds, bread bits, or anything else you manage to find in the cupboard that would be suitable for a chicken to eat. Here is the list of ingredients and serving proportions for a small flock(3-5 chickens)

Kelly's Happy Hen Gourmet Mash:

1 cup of blue berries
1 tablespoon of crushed almonds
2 tablespoons of bread bits and/or breadcrumbs
1 tablespoon
1 tablespoon of grass or chives

Mix all of the ingredients together until you have a good mash. Put dishes in various parts of the run so all hens, low and high in terms of the pecking order, can eat freely. I don't usually use all of the ingredients and sometimes substitute in others.

Earlier in the Summer, we planted some sod in the coop so that the chickens would have access to some grass since they like it so much. As it turns out the chickens eat it to the nubbin and kick dirt on it.

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