Friday, January 7, 2011

Rain Days

Your girls are bound to face a rainy day, especially in the winter time. Chickens need a place to go in the coop that is sheltered from the rain. We supply them a potting table. This is convenient because it has their food and water can under it. My chickens do not care a bit about getting muddy and ruffled in the rain; they dig deep holes and scratch around in the dirt! This is a good, normal behavior that most happy chickens will do.

On cold days where the temperature is below freezing, your girl's water bowl is bound to freeze! To prevent this from happening, place a heating pad under the can. Extra treats such as millet, cracked corn, greens, fruit, and vegetables are all great things to give them (especially in the winter). Always remember to check wattles, combs, and feet for frostbite in the winter, as these areas are prone to this. You will know wen they get frostbite because this area will turn black and die.

Even in the cold, winter weather, spend time with your chickens and let them know your there and ready to give them treats! This will keep their spirits up! Spring is on its way!

1 comment:

  1. Great photo of your girls! Very nice write up too. Did I mention? I really enjoy reading your blog!! Love, Mom
