Monday, July 25, 2011

Peeping Explorers

This evening, I let the chicks roam outside in my flower patch. Even at a young age, chickens love scratching around in the dirt for bugs! They even took a dust bath!

Also, the fight to determine the pecking order is beginning. For those who don't know, the pecking order is the social ranking of hens established naturally within a flock. So far, Olive seems to be the most aggressive, especially towards Kettle.

When the chicks are two to three weeks old (like mine), a small perch should be installed in their brooder (chick house). Most birds tend to prefer perching as a method of sitting.

As the chicks become older, I will make sure to take pictures of them and post so that you can see their progress!

Thank you for visiting Happy Chickens Blog!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly, great post! I'm glad you're going to post pictures of your chicks as they grow. It's also fun to read about their shenanigans! Love, Mom
